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Chemical classification of common volcanic rocks based on degree of silica saturation and CaO/K2O ratio


Modal classifications of common volcanic rocks are expensive, difficult, or impossible to attain. As a consequence, these rocks are classified using the chemical composition. However, existing classificatory diagrams are unable to identify all 16 families of common volcanic rocks; the most used is the total alkali-silica (TAS) diagram that identifies six families. Rocks not in the TAS diagram are misclassified with other rock names; their names are evolving to extinction, e.g. latite and rhyodacite. Some diagrams use Na2O, which is a complicating element rather than discriminant. Na2O is present both in alkali feldspar and plagioclase making difficult the separation of the amount associated to either feldspar. Silicon, potassium, and calcium are the three major elements with highest variations among volcanic rocks. They are selected for use in two new diagrams confronting CaO/K2O ratio with K2O content (KCK diagrams). One diagram is designed for saturated (intermediate) rocks (quartz <5 vol.%) and the other for oversaturated (acid) volcanic rocks (quartz >5%). These diagrams are tested using compositions of volcanic rocks from Uatumã magmatism in the Amazon Craton and also by plotting compositions of rocks from type-localities and the world averages. The proposed limits between rock families agree with plotted rock compositions. The KCK diagrams are an alternative to existing diagrams to classify volcanic rocks.

Key words
Chemical classification; volcanic rocks; silica saturation; Uatumã volcanism


The classification of volcanic rocks is a challenge where the optical identification of their minerals is often not possible considering the presence of very fine crystals (<0.125 mm) or even glassy matrix. Common volcanic rocks (not including ultrabasic effusive, foidite, lamprophyre, carbonatite, and melilite) are classified and named based on their degree of silica saturation and their proportion of K-feldspar and plagioclase (Shand 1913SHAND SJ. 1913. On saturated and unsaturated igneous rocks. Geol Mag 10: 508-514. DOI:, Rittmann 1952RITTMANN A. 1952. Nomenclature of volcanic rocks, Bulletin of Volcanology, Series II 12: 76-102. DOI:10.1007/bf02596015., Streckeisen 1978STRECKEISEN A. 1978. IUGS Subcommission on the Systematics of Igneous Rocks: Classification and nomenclature of volcanic rocks, lamprophyres, carbonatites, and melilite rocks: Recommendations and suggestions. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Stuttgart, Abhandlungen, Germany 143: 1-14. ISSN 0077-7757.). Modal compositions, however, are difficult and expensive to obtain even using modern Scanning Electron Microscopes. In addition, the examined volume in one thin section is insignificant compared with the volume of the whole rock used in chemical analysis. Another difficulty encountered in modal analyses is the determination of the correct compositional variation of feldspars. Knowing the ratio of perthites in orthoclase, sanidine, or microcline (rare in volcanic rocks) is critical to know the amount of albite (and Na2O) related to either alkali feldspar or plagioclase. The difficulty increases when sub-microscopic cryptoperthites are present (Brown & Willaime 1974BROWN WL & WILLAIME C. 1974. An explanation of exsolution orientations and residual strain in cryptoperthites. In: MacKenzie WS & Zussman J (Eds). The Feldspars, p. 440-459. Manchester University Press, U.K., Yund & Chapple 1980YUND RA & Chapple WM. 1980. Thermal histories of two lava flows estimated from cryptoperthite lamellar spacings. Am Mineral 65(5-6): 438-443.). Volcanic plagioclase typically develops compositional zoning during growth where the core was formed at higher temperature and the rim at lower temperature (Haase et al. 1980HAASE CS, CHADAM J, FEINN D & ORTOLEVA P. 1980. Oscillatory Zoning in Plagioclase Feldspar. Science 209(4453): 272-274. DOI: 10.1126/science.209.4453.272.). The core has less sodium (proportion of albite) and more calcium (proportion of anorthite). For example, andesite commonly has plagioclase phenocrysts composed of labradorite core and andesine rim (Gill 1981GILL JB. 1981. Orogenic andesites and plate tectonics. Springer Verlag Berlin-New York, 392 p. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-68012-0., Izbekov et al. 2002IZBEKOV PE, EICHELBERGER JC, PATINO LC, VOGEL TA & IVANOV BV. 2002. Calcic cores of plagioclase phenocrysts in andesite from Karymsky volcano: Evidence for rapid introduction by basaltic replenishment. Geology 30(9): 799-802. doi: 10.1007/s00445–0090280-z.). Reverse zoning is also a limiting factor by which calcic plagioclase surrounds a sodic core, as in many andesites (Gill 1981GILL JB. 1981. Orogenic andesites and plate tectonics. Springer Verlag Berlin-New York, 392 p. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-68012-0., Wada 1985WADA K. 1985. Magma mixing process of calc-alkalic andesites from Funagata volcano. Journal of the Japanese Association of Mineralogists, Petrologists and Economic Geologists 80: 467-483.).

Considering these difficulties, modal classifications are often replaced by diagrams based on chemical composition. These classifications are widely used based in several diagrams. Common volcanic rocks are organized in 16 families of rocks: alkali feldspar rhyolite (2), rhyolite (3a), rhyodacite (3b), dacite (4 and 5), quartz alkali feldspar trachyte (6*), alkali feldspar trachyte (6), trachyte (7), quartz trachyte (7*), latite (8), quartz latite (8*), trachyandesite (9), quartz trachyandesite (9*), andesite and basalt (10), quartz andesite and quartz basalt (10*). This naming and numbering are the same as the QAP diagram of Streckeisen (1979)STRECKEISEN A. 1979. Classification and nomenclature of volcanic rocks, lamprophyres, carbonatites, and melilite rocks. Recommendations and suggestions of the IUGS Subcommission on the Systematics of Igneous Rocks. Geology 7(7): 331-335.<331:CANOVR>2.0.CO;2., except for quartz andesite and quartz basalt, included by Streckeisen (1979)STRECKEISEN A. 1979. Classification and nomenclature of volcanic rocks, lamprophyres, carbonatites, and melilite rocks. Recommendations and suggestions of the IUGS Subcommission on the Systematics of Igneous Rocks. Geology 7(7): 331-335.<331:CANOVR>2.0.CO;2. and IUGS (Le Maitre et al. 2002LE MAITRE RW (Ed) ET AL. 2002. Igneous Rocks: A Classification and Glossary of Terms, Recommendations of the International Union of Geological Sciences, Subcommission of the Systematics of Igneous Rocks. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-66215-X.) in basalt and andesite. These 16 families of rocks have direct correspondence to their plutonic equivalents: e.g. andesite is the volcanic equivalent of diorite and latite is the volcanic equivalent of monzonite. The existing and widely used diagrams of chemical classification of volcanic rocks are unable to identify the 16 major families of common volcanic rocks. They also fail to maintain correspondence between names of volcanic and equivalent plutonic rocks. Some common volcanic rocks are disappearing from the literature and moving to extinction, and this is because the diagrams do not identify the rocks. This is the case of latite and rhyodacite, two major rock types.

Nearly all diagrams based on major elements include sodium or Na2O (Jensen 1976JENSEN LS. 1976. A New Cation Plot for Classifying Subalkalic Volcanic Rocks. Ontario Geological Survey Miscellaneous Paper 66, 22 p., Cox et al. 1979COX KG, BELL JD & PANKHURST RJ. 1979. Compositional variation in magmas. In: The Interpretation of Igneous Rocks. Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 455 p. DOI:
, De La Roche et al. 1980DE LA ROCHE H, LETERRIER J, GRANDCLAUDE P & MARCHAL M. 1980. A classification of volcanic and plutonic rocks using R1R2-diagram and major-element analyses – Its relationships with current nomenclature. Chem Geol 29: 183-210., Debon & Lefort 1983DEBON F & LE FORT P. 1983. A chemical–mineralogical classification of common plutonic rocks and associations. Trans R Soc Edinb Earth Sci 73: 135-149. DOI:, Middlemost 1985MIDDLEMOST EAK. 1985. Naming materials in the magma/igneous rock system. Earth Sci Rev 37: 215-224. This element (or sodium oxide) is present in either plagioclase or alkali feldspar; sodium complicates the classification rather than clarifying. Using Irvine & Baragar (1971)IRVINE TN & BARAGAR WRA. 1971. A guide to the chemical classification of the common volcanic rocks. Can J Earth Sci 8 (2): 523-548.
as an example, all sodium (normative albite) is associated with plagioclase. Some or much Na2O is actually either in the structure of K-feldspar (perthite) or pure albite. An alkali feldspar rhyolite or rhyolite with either perthite or pure albite is misclassified as dacite.

We propose two new diagrams (KCK = CaO/K2O versus K2O) to classify common volcanic rocks. They are based on several sets of data, including the composition of Uatumã volcanic rocks from the Amazon Craton, rocks from type localities (Tröger 1935TRÖGER WE. 1935. Spezielle petrographie der Eruptivgesteine. Eine Nomenklatur - Kompendium mit 1. Nachtrag. Eruptivgesteinsnamen Verlag der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, 360 p. ISBN 978-3-510-99099-3.), and world averages from Nockolds (1954)NOCKOLDS SR. 1954. Average chemical compositions of some igneous rocks. GSA Bulletin 65(10): 1007-1032.[1007:ACCOSI]2.0.CO;2. and Le Maitre (1976)LE MAITRE RW. 1976. The chemical variability of some common igneous rocks. J Petrol 17(4): 589-598. Chemical data from pyroclastic rocks are not included; they represent about 25 vol.% of Uatumã volcanism. We use older datasets because most published volcanic names after the early 1980’s were based on the TAS (Total Alkali-Silica - Cox et al. 1979COX KG, BELL JD & PANKHURST RJ. 1979. Compositional variation in magmas. In: The Interpretation of Igneous Rocks. Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 455 p. DOI:
, Le Bas et al. 1986LE BAS MJ, LE MAITRE RW, STRECKEISEN A & ZANETTIN B. 1986. A Chemical Classification of Volcanic Rocks Based on the Total Alkali-Silica Diagram. J Petrol 27(3): 745-750., Le Maitre et al. 2002) diagram, which recognizes six out of the existing 16 families of volcanic rocks.


Chemical compositions (major and minor elements) of volcanic rocks from the of Amazon Craton were selected for this study. Analyses and classifications are from the 1970 decade and are pre-TAS as required for our testing. Data are from published and unpublished reports of Brazilian Government institutions (Table I). A large number (n = 218) of analyses (Table II) were selected from samples of calc-alkaline volcanic rocks related to the Uatumã Supergroup (Albuquerque 1922ALBUQUERQUE OR. 1922. Reconhecimentos geológicos no valle do Amazonas (Campanhas de 1918 e 1919). Boletim do Serviço Geológico e Mineralógico do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro 3: 1-84., Ferreira 1959FERREIRA EO. 1959. Contribuição à litologia da série Uatumã. Boletim do Serviço Geológico e Mineralógico, Rio de Janeiro 185: 1-31., Ramgrab & Santos 1974RAMGRAB GE & SANTOS JOS. 1974. O Grupo Uatumã. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, Porto Alegre. Anais 2: 87-94., Santos 1984SANTOS JOS. 1984. Classificação química das rochas vulcânicas Uatumã. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, Rio de Janeiro. Anais 9: 4526-4538.).

Table I
Sources of chemical analysis of volcanic rocks, from government reports.
Table II
Major elements of Uatumã volcanic rocks.

Analyses in Table I were performed at the Laboratory of Chemical Analyses of Minerals and Rocks of Geosciences Institute of UFRGS (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil) and in LAMIN (Mineralogical Laboratory of CPRM, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil).

Sample preparation and data processing

Several procedures are suggested in the classification of volcanic rocks. These steps or most of them are useful for classifications. The adopted sequence of procedures in this study is the following:

  1. Select fresh and representative samples;

  2. Avoid samples with veins, xenoliths, and hydrothermal minerals;

  3. Observe thin sections for mineralogy and texture of the rock;

  4. Perform chemical analyses of major and trace elements, including H2O, SO2 and CO2;

  5. Only select data with totals ranging from 98% to 102%. Normalize to 100 wt.%;

  6. Correct the Fe2O3/FeO ratio following Coombs (1963)COOMBS DS. 1963. Trends and affinities of basaltic magmas and pyroxenes as illustrated on the diopside-olivine-silica diagram. Mineralogical Society of America Special Paper 1: 227-250. and Chayes (1966)CHAYES F. 1966. Alkaline and subalkaline basalts. American J Sci 264(2): 128-145. doi: 10.2475/ajs.264.2.128.;

  7. Calculate the normative composition (CIPW, Cross et al. 1902CROSS W, IDDINGS JP, PIRSSON LV & WASHINGTON HS. 1902. A quantitative chemico-mineralogical classification and nomenclature of igneous rocks. J Geol 10: 555-690.);

  8. Separate normative olivine- and nepheline-rich rocks (ultrabasic and alkaline);

  9. Calculate the NCI (Normative Colour Index: hy+di+ol+mt+il+hm);

  10. Calculate the NPC (Normative Plagioclase Composition): [100An/ (An+Ab+5/3Ne)];

  11. Plot the NPC (Normative Composition of Plagioclase versus the NCI (Normative Colour Index, Irvine & Baragar 1971IRVINE TN & BARAGAR WRA. 1971. A guide to the chemical classification of the common volcanic rocks. Can J Earth Sci 8 (2): 523-548.
    ) to separate basaltic from andesitic rocks;

  12. Group the data other than basalt in three sets according to their normative quartz (0-5 vol.%, saturated; 5-20%, moderately oversaturated and >20%, oversaturated). Rocks with Nqtz = zero and having normative nepheline are undersaturated, not present in Uatumã volcanism.

  13. Plot the data on the two K2O x CaO/K2O diagrams, one designed for oversaturated (acid) and the other for saturated (intermediate) rocks.


The Amazon Craton is the largest craton of South America (Fig. 1) with 5,200,000 km2 (Santos 2003SANTOS JOS. 2003. Geotectonics of the Guyana and Central Brazil Shields, chapter IV, p. 169-226. In: Geology, Tectonics and Mineral Resources of Brazil: Text, Maps and GIS. In: Bizzi LA, Schobbenhaus C, Vidotti RM & Gonçalves JH (Eds). Brasília, CPRM, Serviço Geológico do Brasil, 692 p. ISBN 85-230-0790-3.). To the west, southwest and northwest the craton is limited by the Phanerozoic Andean Belt. To the east and southeast the craton is bordered by collisional belts of the Brasilian Orogen (dominantly Ediacaran). The Amazon Craton is partially covered by extensive Phanerozoic basins, particularly in the west. The craton is organized in seven main provinces (Santos 2003SANTOS JOS. 2003. Geotectonics of the Guyana and Central Brazil Shields, chapter IV, p. 169-226. In: Geology, Tectonics and Mineral Resources of Brazil: Text, Maps and GIS. In: Bizzi LA, Schobbenhaus C, Vidotti RM & Gonçalves JH (Eds). Brasília, CPRM, Serviço Geológico do Brasil, 692 p. ISBN 85-230-0790-3.) where Carajás is Archean, Sunsás is Mesoproterozoic, and five (Rio Negro, Rondônia-Juruena, Tapajós-Parima, Trans-Amazon, and Central Amazon) are Paleoproterozoic (Fig. 1).

Figure 1
The Amazon Craton in Northern South America subdivided into provinces (Santos 2003SANTOS JOS. 2003. Geotectonics of the Guyana and Central Brazil Shields, chapter IV, p. 169-226. In: Geology, Tectonics and Mineral Resources of Brazil: Text, Maps and GIS. In: Bizzi LA, Schobbenhaus C, Vidotti RM & Gonçalves JH (Eds). Brasília, CPRM, Serviço Geológico do Brasil, 692 p. ISBN 85-230-0790-3.). Volcanic rocks of this study are from the Tapajós-Parima Province (2030-1880 Ma) - Surumu, Iricoumé, and Iriri Groups.

The Uatumã calc-alkaline volcanism was generated during the Orosirian as the most extensive volcanic tract in South America. Successive Andean-type magmatic arcs are present within the Tapajós-Parima Province (2030-1880 Ma; Santos et al. 2004SANTOS JOS, BREEMEN OB, GROVES DI, HARTMANN LA, ALMEIDA ME, MCNAUGHTON NJ & FLETCHER IR. 2004. Timing and evolution of multiple Paleoproterozoic magmatic arcs in the Tapajós Domain, Amazon Craton: Constraints from SHRIMP and TIMS zircon, baddeleyite and titanite U-Pb geochronology. Precambrian Res 131(1): 73-109. DOI: 10.1016/ j.precamres.2004.01.002.) covering part of northern Brazil (Amazonas, Pará and Roraima States), southeastern Venezuela (Cuchivero Group and Caicara Formation; Rios 1972RIOS JH. 1972. Geologia de la region de Caicara, Estado Bolívar. In: Congreso Geológico Venezolano, 4th, Caracas, 1971, Memória, Publicación Especial 5 3: 1759-1782.), SW Guyana (Burro-Burro and Kuyuwini Groups, Berrangé 1977BERRANGÉ JP. 1977. The geology of Southern Guyana, South America. Institute of Geological Sciences, London, Overseas Division, Mem 4, 112 p. ISBN: 0118807714.), and West Suriname (Dalbana Formation; Bosma et al. 1983BOSMA W, KROONENBERG SB, MAAS K & DE ROEVER EWF. 1983. Igneous and metamorphic complexes of the Guiana Shield in Suriname. Geologie en Mijnbouw 62: 241-254. ISSN: 0016-7746.). The sampled volcanic rocks correspond to three formations: Surumu (NE Roraima State of Brazil, SE Venezuela, W Guyana), Iricoumé (SE Roraima, NW Pará, NE Amazonas states of Brazil), and Iriri (SE Amazon and west Pará states) formed at 1985-1860 Ma (Fig. 1). Two units previously included in the Uatumã magmatism (Ramgrab & Santos 1974RAMGRAB GE & SANTOS JOS. 1974. O Grupo Uatumã. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, Porto Alegre. Anais 2: 87-94., Santos 1984SANTOS JOS. 1984. Classificação química das rochas vulcânicas Uatumã. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, Rio de Janeiro. Anais 9: 4526-4538.) are not part of this study. The Sobreiro Formation of Carajás Province is older (Rhyacian to Siderian; Vasquez & Costa 2008VASQUEZ ML & COSTA LTR. 2008. Geologia e Recursos Minerais do Estado do Pará: Sistema de Informações Geográficas–SIG: texto explicativo dos mapas Geológico e Tectônico e de Recursos Minerais do Estado do Pará. Escala 1:1.000.000. Belém, CPRM.
) and the Colíder Group (Tarelow Neto et al. 2017TARELOW NETO J, PIEROSAN R, BARROS MAS, CHEMALE JR F & SANTOS FS. 2017. Magmatic microgranular enclaves of the northeast of Mato Grosso, Brazil, SE Amazonian Craton: Insights into the magmatism of the Uatumã Supergroup, on the basis of field and petrological data. J S Am Earth Sci 78: 61-80. j.jsames.2017.06.004.) from the Rondônia-Juruena Province is younger, Statherian, 1760-1780 Ma (Barros et al. 2009BARROS MAS, CHEMALE JR F, NARDI LVS & LIMA EF. 2009. Paleoproterozoic bimodal post-collisional magmatism in the southwestern Amazonian Craton, Mato Grosso, Brazil: geochemistry and isotopic evidence. J S Am Earth Sci 27(1): 11-23. than Uatumã.


The degree of silica saturation

The fundamental classification concept is the determination of the amount of free silica or feldspathoid in the rock. To circumvent the difficulty and cost of determining quartz (eventually tridymite or chalcedony), we choose the effectiveness of using normative quartz (Nqtz) in place of modal quartz (Mqtz). We compared both attributes from classical type localities of volcanic rocks and of plutonic rocks (Fig. 2 and Table III). The chemical and modal compositions of the rocks are from Tröger (1935)TRÖGER WE. 1935. Spezielle petrographie der Eruptivgesteine. Eine Nomenklatur - Kompendium mit 1. Nachtrag. Eruptivgesteinsnamen Verlag der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, 360 p. ISBN 978-3-510-99099-3. whereas the normative compositions are here calculated from the chemical data of Tröger (1935)TRÖGER WE. 1935. Spezielle petrographie der Eruptivgesteine. Eine Nomenklatur - Kompendium mit 1. Nachtrag. Eruptivgesteinsnamen Verlag der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, 360 p. ISBN 978-3-510-99099-3..

Figure 2
Modal and normative amount (vol.%) of quartz in rocks from type localities. Chemical and modal compositions from Tröger (1935)TRÖGER WE. 1935. Spezielle petrographie der Eruptivgesteine. Eine Nomenklatur - Kompendium mit 1. Nachtrag. Eruptivgesteinsnamen Verlag der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, 360 p. ISBN 978-3-510-99099-3.. Normative compositions as calculated in this work.
Table III
Comparison of Modal and Normative quartz of magmatic rocks from type localities.

Figure 2 displays positive correlation between modal and normative quartz allowing the use of normative values of quartz to determine the degree of silica saturation of volcanic rocks. Following Shand (1913)SHAND SJ. 1913. On saturated and unsaturated igneous rocks. Geol Mag 10: 508-514. DOI: and Rittmann (1952)RITTMANN A. 1952. Nomenclature of volcanic rocks, Bulletin of Volcanology, Series II 12: 76-102. DOI:10.1007/bf02596015., rocks are oversaturated that have excess of SiO2 over the other oxides, generating either silica minerals in the mode or quartz in the norm. Saturated volcanic rocks are neither oversaturated nor undersaturated with respect to silica, i.e., they have small amounts of either silica minerals or feldspathoids in the mode or norm. Undersaturated rocks with respect to silica, i.e. lack quartz and have feldspathoid (foid) or Mg-olivine in the mode or norm. The fundamental concept of silica saturation and the understanding of the subdivision of acid, intermediate, basic, and ultrabasic rocks was misinterpreted by the IUGS (International Union for Geological Sciences) who supported the use of the TAS diagram. Le Bas et al. (1986)LE BAS MJ, LE MAITRE RW, STRECKEISEN A & ZANETTIN B. 1986. A Chemical Classification of Volcanic Rocks Based on the Total Alkali-Silica Diagram. J Petrol 27(3): 745-750. and Le Maitre et al. (2002), based on Cox et al. (1979)COX KG, BELL JD & PANKHURST RJ. 1979. Compositional variation in magmas. In: The Interpretation of Igneous Rocks. Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 455 p. DOI:
, assumed that the degree of silica saturation is determined by the content of SiO2 of the rock. But the controls are different. The book “Igneous Rocks” by Le Maitre et al. (2002) empirically defined (pages 49, 52, and 93) that an acid rock has more than 63 wt.% SiO2; an intermediate rock has between 52% and 63% SiO2, a basic rock has less than 52% SiO2 and more than 45% SiO2, and finally, an ultrabasic rock has < 45% SiO2. However, the names acid, intermediate, basic, and ultrabasic, by definition (Shand 1913SHAND SJ. 1913. On saturated and unsaturated igneous rocks. Geol Mag 10: 508-514. DOI:, are related to the degree of SiO2 saturation and not to the SiO2 content.

Some examples of misclassification using the content of SiO2 to separate the four major groups of rocks are the following:

  • Olivine-rich basalts, composed by olivine (29.5-42.7% SiO2), clinopyroxene (48% SiO2), and bytownite (48% SiO2) may have SiO2 < 45% (see alkalic olivine basalt from Hawaii, sample C168 of MacDonald 1968MACDONALD GA. 1968. Composition and origin of Hawaiian lavas. Geological Society of America Williams volume, Memoir 116, 477-522. DOI: They are basic, not ultrabasic rocks.

  • Lherzolites may have more than 45 wt.% SiO2 (McDonough & Rudnick 1998MCDONOUGH W & RUDNICK R. 1998. Mineralogy and composition of the upper mantle. Ultrahigh-Pressure Mineralogy: Physics and Chemistry of the Earth’s Deep Interior 37: 139-164.; Table 1, p. 145) and they are not basic, but ultrabasic rocks.

  • Peridotites may have more SiO2 than 45% (McDonough & Rudnick 1998MCDONOUGH W & RUDNICK R. 1998. Mineralogy and composition of the upper mantle. Ultrahigh-Pressure Mineralogy: Physics and Chemistry of the Earth’s Deep Interior 37: 139-164.; their Table 9, page 155), and are ultrabasic, not basic rocks.

  • Basalts may have more than 52% SiO2 and they are not intermediate rocks, but basic. See samples 11, 21, 40, 41, and 42 of Jensen (1976)JENSEN LS. 1976. A New Cation Plot for Classifying Subalkalic Volcanic Rocks. Ontario Geological Survey Miscellaneous Paper 66, 22 p., Tables 1-2, pages 18-19.

  • Trachyandesites, which are intermediate rocks, may have less than 45% silica and they are not ultrabasic rocks. See sample C183 from MacDonald (1968)MACDONALD GA. 1968. Composition and origin of Hawaiian lavas. Geological Society of America Williams volume, Memoir 116, 477-522. DOI:, Table 5, page 496.

  • Hawaiites, which are alkalic andesites, are intermediate rocks, and have average of 47.9% SiO2 (MacDonald, 1968, Table 8, page 502; Nekvasil et al. 2004NEKVASIL H, DONDOLINI A, HORN J, FILIBERTO J, LONG H & LINDSLEY DH. 2004. The Origin and Evolution of Silica-saturated Alkalic Suites: an experimental study. J Petrol 45(4): 693-721. 2004. DOI: 10.1093/petrology/egg103., Table 1). Using the TAS diagram hawaiite would be basic, not intermediate rock.

  • Trachytes are formed by alkali feldspar (65-67 wt.% SiO2) and commonly have more than 63 wt.% SiO2 (e.g. Sial et al. 1987SIAL AN, LONG LE & BORBA GS. 1987. Field trip guide excursion: Cretaceous Magmatic Province of Cabo, Pernambuco, Northeast Brazil. Rev Bras Geociênc 17(4): 667-673., Renzului et al. 2002RENZULUI A, SANTI P, SERRI G & LUNI M. 2002. The Euganean trachyte flagstones (“basoli”) used by the Romans along the mid-Adriatic coast (Marche, central Italy): an archaeometric study Periodico de Mineralogia, Special Issue: Archaeometry and Cultural Heritage 71: 189-201., Nekvasil et al. 2004NEKVASIL H, DONDOLINI A, HORN J, FILIBERTO J, LONG H & LINDSLEY DH. 2004. The Origin and Evolution of Silica-saturated Alkalic Suites: an experimental study. J Petrol 45(4): 693-721. 2004. DOI: 10.1093/petrology/egg103., Hagos et al. 2010HAGOS M, KOEBERL C, KABETO K & KOLLER F. 2010. Geochemical characteristics of the alkaline basalts and the phonolite –trachyte plugs of the Axum area, northern Ethiopia. Austrian J Earth Sci, Vienna 103(2): 153-170., Martel et al. 2013MARTEL C, CHAMPALLIER R, PROUTEAU G, PICHAVANT M, ARBARET L, BALCONE-BOISSARD H, BOUDON G, BOIVIN P, BOURDIER J-L & SCAILLET B. 2013. Trachyte Phase Relations and Implication for Magma Storage Conditions in the Chaîne des Puys (French Massif Central). J Petrol 54(6): 1071-1107. doi:10.1093/petrology/egt006.). Also, the upper limit of SiO2 for intermediate rocks of Cox et al. (1979)COX KG, BELL JD & PANKHURST RJ. 1979. Compositional variation in magmas. In: The Interpretation of Igneous Rocks. Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 455 p. DOI:
    in the TAS diagram is high (69 wt.%) representing the presence of quartz (modal and normative) above 5 vol.%, therefore quartz trachytes, which are not intermediate, but acid rocks. This positions most trachytes as acid rocks instead of intermediate rocks.

  • Clinopyroxenite, websterite, and particularly orthopyroxenite have >45 wt.% SiO2 (e.g,. Mukasa & Shervais 1999MUKASA SB & SHERVAIS JW. 1999. Growth of subcontinental lithosphere: evidence from repeated dike injections in the Balmuccia massif, Italian Alps. Lithos 48: 287-316., Maaløe 2005MAALØE S. 2005. The dunite bodies, websterite and orthopyroxenite dikes of the Leka ophiolite complex, Noeway. Mineral Petrol 85: 163-204.) and may have >52% SiO2 (e.g. Ahmadipour et al. 2003AHMADIPOUR H, SABZEHEI M, WHITECHURCH H, RASTAD E & EMAMI MH. 2003. Soghan complex as an evidence for paleospreading center and mantle diapirism in Sanandaj-Sirjan zone (south-east Iran). J Sci Islam Repub Iran 14(2): 157-172. ISSN 1016-1104., Anbarasu et al. 2011ANBARASU K, DAR AM, KARTHIKEYAN A & PRABHU D. 2011. Field Characteristics and Geochemistry of Pyroxenite and Gabbro from Odhimalai and Thenkalmalai Hillocks of Bhavani Ultramafic Complex- South India. Int Multidiscip Res J 1(2): 20-26. ISSN: 2231-6302., Maier et al. 2015MAIER WD, RASMUSSEN B, FLETCHER IR, GODEL B, BARNES SJ, FISHER LA, YANG SH, HUHMA H & LAHAYE Y. 2015. Petrogenesis of the ~277 Ga Monts de Cristal Complex, Gabon: Evidence for Direct Precipitation of Pt-arsenides from Basaltic Magma. J Petrol 56(7): 1285-1308. doi: 10.1093/petrology/egv035.). However, they are neither intermediate nor basic rocks, but ultrabasic.

  • Hornblendites, composed by >90 vol.% hornblende (hornblende has 51 wt.% SiO2) may have >45 wt.% SiO2 (e.g. Holub, 2004HOLUB FV. 2004. Zoned dike of lamprophyre to horblendite near Dobris. Czech Geological Survey, Geosci Res Rep 37: 106-108. ISSN: 2336-5757., Mendes et al. 2004MENDES JC, JUNHO MCB & GHIZI A. 2004. Diorite and hornblendite enclaves at Sumidouro, RJ, Central Ribeira Belt. Rev Bras Geociênc 34(1): 79-86.) and they are not basic rocks, but ultrabasic.

The degree of silica saturation depends on the mineralogical composition of the rock. Some rock forming minerals contain higher and others lower SiO2 (Table IV). From this table, for example, an ultrabasic rock composed by dominant orthopyroxene (52-60% wt. SiO2) will have >52% SiO2 and would be erroneously classified as an intermediate rock using the TAS diagram.

Table IV
SiO2 content of rock-forming minerals.

The separation of ultrabasic and basic rocks

The limit between ultrabasic and basic rocks was placed at 45 wt.% SiO2 (Le Bas et al. 1986LE BAS MJ, LE MAITRE RW, STRECKEISEN A & ZANETTIN B. 1986. A Chemical Classification of Volcanic Rocks Based on the Total Alkali-Silica Diagram. J Petrol 27(3): 745-750. However, SiO2 is not a discriminant oxide because there are basic rocks with less than 45% SiO2 (MacDonald 1968MACDONALD GA. 1968. Composition and origin of Hawaiian lavas. Geological Society of America Williams volume, Memoir 116, 477-522. DOI: and ultrabasic rocks with more than 45% SiO2 (McDonough & Rudnick 1998MCDONOUGH W & RUDNICK R. 1998. Mineralogy and composition of the upper mantle. Ultrahigh-Pressure Mineralogy: Physics and Chemistry of the Earth’s Deep Interior 37: 139-164.). Pyroxene-rich rocks such as lherzolite, harzburgite, wehrlite, and websterite have dominantly SiO2 content >45 wt.%. This is because pyroxenes (clino- and ortho-) have 54-60 wt.% SiO2 (Table IV).

Is the mantle formed by basic or ultrabasic rocks? Seven models for mantle composition have more than 45% silica (Table V). According to the 45% SiO2 upper limit for ultrabasic rocks (Cox et al. 1979COX KG, BELL JD & PANKHURST RJ. 1979. Compositional variation in magmas. In: The Interpretation of Igneous Rocks. Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 455 p. DOI:
, Le Bas et al. 1986LE BAS MJ, LE MAITRE RW, STRECKEISEN A & ZANETTIN B. 1986. A Chemical Classification of Volcanic Rocks Based on the Total Alkali-Silica Diagram. J Petrol 27(3): 745-750. Earth’s mantle would be composed by basic rocks.

Table V
SiO2 content of Earth’s mantle.

This is sufficient reason to abandon the use of silica content alone to separate ultrabasic from basic rocks. Al, Ca, and Mg are more important major elements than Si to separate basic and ultrabasic rocks. Ultrabasic rocks are characterized by absence of free SiO2 (Mqtz or Nqtz), high MgO content (>20%), plus low amounts of plagioclase (up to 10 vol.%), Al2O3 (<12%), and CaO (<12%). Most ultrabasic rocks are coarse grained and classified according to their mineralogical composition (modal classification). Fine-grained ultrabasic lavas are present in Archean (e.g. Sun & Nesbit 1978) and Paleoproterozoic (Nalivkina 2012, Park 2015) greenstone belts. A chemical approach may be necessary to separate these lavas from basalts considering that ultrabasic rocks have less calcium and aluminium, and more magnesium than basalts. Jensen’s (1976) Fe-Ti/Al/Mg cation diagram is useful in spite of lack of calcium.

The classification of Irvine & Baragar (1971)IRVINE TN & BARAGAR WRA. 1971. A guide to the chemical classification of the common volcanic rocks. Can J Earth Sci 8 (2): 523-548.

Some chemical approaches were proposed in the past to classify volcanic rocks where the possible best example is the system of Irvine & Baragar (1971)IRVINE TN & BARAGAR WRA. 1971. A guide to the chemical classification of the common volcanic rocks. Can J Earth Sci 8 (2): 523-548.
based on the normative composition (CIPW) and normative colour index of rocks. However, the normative composition-based classifications failed because they are uncapable to perform an accurate distribution of the normative Ab between alkali feldspar and plagioclase. Albite (modal) is alkali feldspar commonly present in many felsic volcanic rocks as individual grains or as perthite intergrowths in K-feldspar (orthoclase, sanidine, rarely microcline). Albite also occurs as solid solution with sanidine in high- temperature alkalic volcanic rocks forming anorthoclase (Deer et al. 2013DEER WA, HOWIE RA & ZUSSMAN JZ. 2013. An Introduction to the Rock-Forming Minerals, 3rd edition. Framework Silicates, Alkali Feldspars (K,Na)[AlSi3O8] with minor CaAl2Si2O8. Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 253-290.
), which is dominated by albite (Na 64-90%) molecules over sanidine (K 10-36%; Deer et al. 2013DEER WA, HOWIE RA & ZUSSMAN JZ. 2013. An Introduction to the Rock-Forming Minerals, 3rd edition. Framework Silicates, Alkali Feldspars (K,Na)[AlSi3O8] with minor CaAl2Si2O8. Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 253-290.
). This feldspar is confined to volcanic, not plutonic rocks (Gill 2010GILL R. 2010. Igneous rocks and Processes. A practical guide. tectonics. Willey-Blackwell, West Sussex, UK, 428 p. ISBN 978-0-632-06377-2.) being more common in trachytes, alkali trachytes (e.g. Johnson et al. 1989JOHNSON RW, KNUTSON J & TAYLOR SR. 1989. Intraplate Volcanism: In Eastern Australia and New Zealand. Australian Academy of Science, Cambridge University Press, 408 p. ISBN: 0521380839., Gill 2010GILL R. 2010. Igneous rocks and Processes. A practical guide. tectonics. Willey-Blackwell, West Sussex, UK, 428 p. ISBN 978-0-632-06377-2.), and alkali rhyolites (e.g. Coats et al. 1968COATS RR, HAY RL & ANDERSON CA. 1968. Studies in Volcanology. Geol Soc Am Mem 116, 678 p.). Alkali feldspar trachyte with anorthoclase may have up to 10 vol.% Na-plagioclase (albite, oligoclase) and anorthoclase-bearing trachyte may have up to 30% Na-plagioclase. How to distribute the amount of Na2O from the chemical analysis between plagioclase and anorthoclase? The diagram of Irvine & Baragar (1971, their Figure 11) allocated all Na2O (normative albite) to plagioclase lowering the actual NCP-Normative Composition of Plagioclase. These attributes show that the amount of analysed Na2O of a volcanic rock may be originated either from plagioclase or from alkali feldspar. Because Na2O is present in two different and alternative minerals used for rock classification (plagioclase and alkali feldspar), the Na2O content and the modal and normative albite generate questionable results when used in classificatory diagrams. The common procedure of summing up Ab and An in normative analyses to establish the value of P (plagioclase) produces imprecise results by exaggerating total P (see Irvine & Baragar 1971IRVINE TN & BARAGAR WRA. 1971. A guide to the chemical classification of the common volcanic rocks. Can J Earth Sci 8 (2): 523-548.
, Fig. 7, p. 538).

Figure 7
KCK diagram for intermediate rocks with distribution of Uatumã volcanic rocks (legend in upper right). Thirteen known rock compositions and world averages (listed below the graph) are used to test the diagram.

Irvine & Baragar (1971)IRVINE TN & BARAGAR WRA. 1971. A guide to the chemical classification of the common volcanic rocks. Can J Earth Sci 8 (2): 523-548.
adequately classify rocks with remarkably high or low feldspar ratios (P/K). Plagioclase-rich rocks (andesites and basalts) and alkali feldspar-rich rocks (rhyolites [stricto sensu] and trachytes) are adequately classified. However, the majority of common volcanic rocks (those between plagioclase-rich and alkali feldspar-rich rocks) may have albite distributed in the two feldspars (plagioclase and K-feldspar). Rhyolite may be misclassified as dacite whereas latite may be misclassified as andesite (see Fig. 7 of Irvine & Baragar 1971IRVINE TN & BARAGAR WRA. 1971. A guide to the chemical classification of the common volcanic rocks. Can J Earth Sci 8 (2): 523-548.
). The NCI x NCP diagrams only classify 5 (plus 1 subfamily, icelandite) of the 16 families of common volcanic rocks, see Fig. 3 (for rhyolite, dacite, andesite, and basalt) and Fig. 11 of Irvine & Baragar (1971)IRVINE TN & BARAGAR WRA. 1971. A guide to the chemical classification of the common volcanic rocks. Can J Earth Sci 8 (2): 523-548.
for trachyte.

Figure 3
Reproduction of Figure 7 of Irvine & Baragar (1971)IRVINE TN & BARAGAR WRA. 1971. A guide to the chemical classification of the common volcanic rocks. Can J Earth Sci 8 (2): 523-548.
, recommended for separation of basalt + quartz basalt from andesite + quartz andesite based on the normative plagioclase composition and normative colour index. Also, useful to identify tholeiitic andesites (icelandites), which have lower NPC and higher NCI compared to calc-alkaline andesites. Triangles symbology: red, Uatumã andesites (Santos 2012SANTOS JOS. 2012. A classificação química de rochas vulcânicas. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, 45th, Belém, outubro de 2012, Paper 236, CD-ROM.); purple, andesite type-locality, La Hoyada, Catamarca, Argentina (Becke 1899BECKE FJK. 1899. Der Hypersthen-Andesit der Insel Alboran. Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen. Wien. Vol.18, 2nd Ser, p. 525-555., from Tröger 1935TRÖGER WE. 1935. Spezielle petrographie der Eruptivgesteine. Eine Nomenklatur - Kompendium mit 1. Nachtrag. Eruptivgesteinsnamen Verlag der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, 360 p. ISBN 978-3-510-99099-3.); blue, andesite world average (n=49; Nockolds 1954NOCKOLDS SR. 1954. Average chemical compositions of some igneous rocks. GSA Bulletin 65(10): 1007-1032.[1007:ACCOSI]2.0.CO;2.), and green, andesite world average (n=2600; Le Maitre 1976LE MAITRE RW. 1976. The chemical variability of some common igneous rocks. J Petrol 17(4): 589-598.; ● = average of five quartz andesites from Eastern Carpathians, Romenia; ■ = average of 20 quartz basalts (data from Jurje et al. 2014JURJE M, IONESCU C, HOECK V & KOVACS M. 2014. Geochemistry of Neogene quartz andesites from the Oaş and Gutâi Mountains, Eastern Carpathians (Romania): a complex magma genesis. Mineral Petrol 108(1): 13-32. DOI: 10.1007/s00710-013-0282-6.); NPC=[100An/(An+Ab+5/3Ne)]; NCI=di+hem+hy+ilm+mag+ol.

The NCI x NCP diagram is useful to discriminate basalt and andesite. The NCI x NCP diagram passed in the test made with andesites. Andesites from the type-locality and andesite averages plot within the field of andesite. Another test using quartz basalt and quartz andesite from the Eastern Carpathians in Romenia (data from Jurje et al. 2014JURJE M, IONESCU C, HOECK V & KOVACS M. 2014. Geochemistry of Neogene quartz andesites from the Oaş and Gutâi Mountains, Eastern Carpathians (Romania): a complex magma genesis. Mineral Petrol 108(1): 13-32. DOI: 10.1007/s00710-013-0282-6.) separates the two groups of rocks (Fig. 3).

Reinstating the names quartz andesite and quartz basalt

Our classification keeps the names quartz andesite and quartz basalt (see Fig. 4), which are rocks moderately oversaturated in SiO2, with 5-20% Nqtz and less than 10% alkali feldspar. Separation between quartz andesite and quart basalt is made using NCI (Normative Colour Index) and NPC (normative plagioclase composition) indexes. Rocks with NPC <50% (normative andesine) are quartz andesites and rocks with NPC >50% (normative labradorite or bytownite) are quartz basalts, following the Irvine & Baragar (1971)IRVINE TN & BARAGAR WRA. 1971. A guide to the chemical classification of the common volcanic rocks. Can J Earth Sci 8 (2): 523-548.
proposition to discriminate andesite and basalt (Fig. 3). This disagrees with the TAS classification where these names are omitted and included as basalt and andesite. The TAS diagram (Fig. 2.11, p. 31 of Le Maitre et al. 2002) even extended the field of basalt and andesite to 20% quartz. The result is that basalt (a basic rock by definition) and andesite (an intermediate rock by definition) may be acid rocks with up to 20% quartz. So, according to IUGS, basalt is no longer an exclusively basic rock, but includes acid rocks. We reaffirm the use of quartz andesite and quartz basalt as used by researchers such as Turner (1895)TURNER HW. 1895. The age and succession of the igneous rocks of the Sierra Nevada. J Geol 3(4): 385-414., Bartrum (1937)BARTRUM JA. 1937. Interesting xenoliths from Whangarei Heads, Auckland, New Zealand. Transactions of the Royal Society, New Zeland 67: 251-280., Bowen (1954)BOWEN OE. 1954. Geology and mineral deposits of Barstow quadrangle, San Bernardino County, California. California Division of Mines Bulletin 165: 7-185., Rittmann (1952, 1973RITTMANN A. 1973. Stable mineral assemblages of igneous rocks. Berlin Springer Verlag, 262 p. DOI:
), Negendank (1973)NEGENDANK JFW. 1973. Some aspects of volcanic rocks of the valley of Mexico. Bull Volcanol 37: 292-303., Allen (1986)ALLEN CA. 1986. Mineralization controls and alteration of the Archaean quartz-monzonite-hosted Porphyry gold deposit. B.Sc. Honour thesis, University of Western Australia, Perth, 76 p., Zhigang (1990)ZHIGANG X. 1990. Mesozoic volcanism and volcanogenic iron-ore deposits in eastern China. Geological Society of America, Special paper 237, 38 p. DOI:
, Potts & West (2000)POTTS PJ & WEST M. 2000. Portable X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry: Capabilities for in Situ Analysis. Royal Society of Chemistry Publishing, 292 p. 9781847558640. 9781847558640...
, Berbeleac et al. (2004)BERBELEAC I, ZUGRAVESCU D, RADULESCU V, STANICA D & NUTU ML. 2004. The structure of Voia Neogene subvolcanic body and related alteration-mineralization in the light of the drilling exploration and MTS data, Romania. Abstract In: Romania Journal of Mineral Deposits 81: 76-79. ISSN 1220-5648., Huang et al. (2012)HUANG JG, HAN RS, TAO R & Li ZQ. 2012. Andesite Geochemistry Features of Late Triassic Tumugou Formation, in Zhongdian, Yunnan Province. Adv Mat Res 16: 524-527., Santos (2012)SANTOS JOS. 2012. A classificação química de rochas vulcânicas. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, 45th, Belém, outubro de 2012, Paper 236, CD-ROM., and Jurje et al. (2014)JURJE M, IONESCU C, HOECK V & KOVACS M. 2014. Geochemistry of Neogene quartz andesites from the Oaş and Gutâi Mountains, Eastern Carpathians (Romania): a complex magma genesis. Mineral Petrol 108(1): 13-32. DOI: 10.1007/s00710-013-0282-6.. The names of basalt and andesite are restricted here for rocks with up to 5% Mqtz or 5% Nqtz following worldwide pre-TAS understanding.

Figure 4
Q (Quartz) – A (Alkali feldspar) – P (Plagioclase) diagram adapted from Streckeisen (1978)STRECKEISEN A. 1978. IUGS Subcommission on the Systematics of Igneous Rocks: Classification and nomenclature of volcanic rocks, lamprophyres, carbonatites, and melilite rocks: Recommendations and suggestions. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Stuttgart, Abhandlungen, Germany 143: 1-14. ISSN 0077-7757. with 16 major families of common volcanic rocks. The TAS diagram is able to classify six of them (light grey) and unable to classify 10 of them (dark grey). Name of quartz-rich rhyolitoid (1) is here introduced in analogy of quartz-rich granitoid for plutonic rocks (Streckeisen 1976STRECKEISEN A. 1976. To each plutonic rock its proper name. Earth Sci Rev 12: 1-33.

Testing the TAS diagram

There are 16 major families of volcanic rocks that are neither ultrabasic nor feldspathoid-bearing: basalt, quartz basalt, andesite, quartz andesite, trachyandesite, quartz trachyandesite, latite, quartz latite, trachyte, quartz trachyte, alkali feldspar quartz trachyte, alkali feldspar trachyte, dacite, rhyodacite, rhyolite, and alkali feldspar rhyolite. These are shown in QAP (Quartz-Alkali feldspar-Plagioclase) diagram of Fig. 4 (adapted from Streckeisen 1978STRECKEISEN A. 1978. IUGS Subcommission on the Systematics of Igneous Rocks: Classification and nomenclature of volcanic rocks, lamprophyres, carbonatites, and melilite rocks: Recommendations and suggestions. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Stuttgart, Abhandlungen, Germany 143: 1-14. ISSN 0077-7757.). Here the volcanic equivalent for the plutonic rocks of 60-90 vol.% quartz (quartz-rich granitoid) has a suggested name of “quartz-rich rhyolitoid” (Field 1 of Fig. 4).

The alkali versus silica diagram was not designed to classify rocks, but to discriminate between either alkaline or tholeiitic suites of volcanic rocks (MacDonald & Katsura 1964MACDONALD GA & KATSURA T. 1964. Chemical composition of Hawaiian lavas. J Petrol 5: 82-133., Fig. 1, p. 87; MacDonald 1968MACDONALD GA. 1968. Composition and origin of Hawaiian lavas. Geological Society of America Williams volume, Memoir 116, 477-522. DOI:, Fig. 7, p. 514) or alkaline and subalkaline rocks (Irvine & Baragar 1971IRVINE TN & BARAGAR WRA. 1971. A guide to the chemical classification of the common volcanic rocks. Can J Earth Sci 8 (2): 523-548.
; Fig. 3, p. 532). A single diagram using K, Na, and Si is unable to classify common magmatic rocks because one mandatory element is missing, and this is calcium. The TAS diagram was tested by plotting rock data from the Amazon Craton, from classic world average compositions (Nockolds 1954NOCKOLDS SR. 1954. Average chemical compositions of some igneous rocks. GSA Bulletin 65(10): 1007-1032.[1007:ACCOSI]2.0.CO;2. and Le Maitre 1976LE MAITRE RW. 1976. The chemical variability of some common igneous rocks. J Petrol 17(4): 589-598. and from type-localities (Tröger 1935TRÖGER WE. 1935. Spezielle petrographie der Eruptivgesteine. Eine Nomenklatur - Kompendium mit 1. Nachtrag. Eruptivgesteinsnamen Verlag der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, 360 p. ISBN 978-3-510-99099-3.) – Fig. 5.

Figure 5
Test of TAS (Total Alkali-Silica) diagram (Le Maitre et al. 2002) to classify rocks from type localities (Tröger 1935TRÖGER WE. 1935. Spezielle petrographie der Eruptivgesteine. Eine Nomenklatur - Kompendium mit 1. Nachtrag. Eruptivgesteinsnamen Verlag der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, 360 p. ISBN 978-3-510-99099-3.), from the Amazon Craton (Santos 1985SANTOS JOS. 1985. A classificação dos vulcanitos Uatumã. In: 1st Symposium Amazonico, Puerto Ayacucho, Venezuela, 1981, Memoria, Ministerio de Energia y Minas, Dirección de Geologia, Boletín de Geologia 10: 259-272.), and world average compositions (Nockolds 1954NOCKOLDS SR. 1954. Average chemical compositions of some igneous rocks. GSA Bulletin 65(10): 1007-1032.[1007:ACCOSI]2.0.CO;2., Le Maitre 1976LE MAITRE RW. 1976. The chemical variability of some common igneous rocks. J Petrol 17(4): 589-598. Data are from Amazon (red), type-localities (purple) and world average compositions (green = Le Maitre 1976LE MAITRE RW. 1976. The chemical variability of some common igneous rocks. J Petrol 17(4): 589-598.; blue = Nockolds 1954NOCKOLDS SR. 1954. Average chemical compositions of some igneous rocks. GSA Bulletin 65(10): 1007-1032.[1007:ACCOSI]2.0.CO;2.). Symbols for rock names are in upper left corner. The result of this plot indicates several misclassifications as summarized in the text. The SiO2-based incorrect limits between ultrabasic-basic (45 %), basic-intermediate (52 %), and intermediate-acid (63 %) rocks also shown.

The original TAS diagram of Cox et al. (1979)COX KG, BELL JD & PANKHURST RJ. 1979. Compositional variation in magmas. In: The Interpretation of Igneous Rocks. Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 455 p. DOI:
, modified by Le Bas et al. (1986)LE BAS MJ, LE MAITRE RW, STRECKEISEN A & ZANETTIN B. 1986. A Chemical Classification of Volcanic Rocks Based on the Total Alkali-Silica Diagram. J Petrol 27(3): 745-750. is able to classify 6 of the existing 16 families of common volcanic rocks. The main problem is that the ten missing families are misclassified among the other six families. The following is a list of the main misclassifications:

  • All latites are misclassified as andesite, trachyandesite, or as basaltic trachyandesite.

  • Most of andesites plot outside the field “andesite”. They are misclassified as basaltic trachyandesite, trachyandesite, and basaltic andesite.

  • All quartz latites are misclassified as dacite or trachyte.

  • All quartz trachytes are misclassified as trachyte.

  • Some trachytes are misclassified as trachyandesite.

  • All rhyodacites (arguably the most common felsic volcanic rock on Earth) are misclassified as rhyolite and dacite.

  • All dellenites are misclassified as rhyolite.

  • Alkali feldspar trachytes are misclassified as trachyte and rhyolite.

  • Alkali feldspar rhyolite is misclassified as rhyolite.

The classification of magmatic rocks should maintain the worldwide- accepted correlation between the names of plutonic and volcanic rocks that have similar chemical and modal compositions. For example, the volcanic equivalent of diorite is andesite; latite corresponds to monzonite. This equivalency is lost in the TAS misclassification because most volcanic names loose their correlation with plutonic equivalents. Examples in the TAS diagram:

  • The plutonic correspondent of monzonite is andesite (instead of latite).

  • The volcanic correspondent of monzogranite is dacite (instead of rhyodacite).

  • The plutonic correspondent of quartz trachyte is granite (instead of quartz syenite).

  • The volcanic equivalent of quartz monzonite is dacite (instead of quartz latite).

In sum, the Le Bas et al. (1986)LE BAS MJ, LE MAITRE RW, STRECKEISEN A & ZANETTIN B. 1986. A Chemical Classification of Volcanic Rocks Based on the Total Alkali-Silica Diagram. J Petrol 27(3): 745-750. – modified from Cox et al. (1979)COX KG, BELL JD & PANKHURST RJ. 1979. Compositional variation in magmas. In: The Interpretation of Igneous Rocks. Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 455 p. DOI:
– diagram generates (generic) classifications of volcanic rocks. This procedure is leading to the artificial extinction of several existing families, some of them among the most common felsic volcanic rocks on Earth such as rhyodacite and latite.

The KCK Classification (CaO/K2O versus K2O)

The KCK diagrams are simple, robust, and capable of classifying all 16 families of common volcanic rocks. The diagrams use the three major elements with the largest variation among volcanic rocks (Si-K-Ca), from less- to more- evolved types. Here we plot the CaO/K2O ratio against the K2O content where CaO reflects the plagioclase content and K2O reflects the K-feldspar content. Of the two diagrams, one is for saturated (intermediate) rocks and the other for oversaturated (acid) rocks. The diagrams display the compositions of 218 volcanic rocks from the Amazon Craton combined with compositions of other rocks from known localities, world averages, and type-localities. Compositions from type localities and world averages are used to test the proposed limits among types of rocks.

The proposed classification of volcanic rocks is based on two major parameters:

a) Degree of silica saturation (Shand 1913SHAND SJ. 1913. On saturated and unsaturated igneous rocks. Geol Mag 10: 508-514. DOI: – four groups are defined (limits of degrees of saturation are from Shand 1913SHAND SJ. 1913. On saturated and unsaturated igneous rocks. Geol Mag 10: 508-514. DOI:, Rittmann 1952RITTMANN A. 1952. Nomenclature of volcanic rocks, Bulletin of Volcanology, Series II 12: 76-102. DOI:10.1007/bf02596015., Streckeisen 1976STRECKEISEN A. 1976. To each plutonic rock its proper name. Earth Sci Rev 12: 1-33.

  • Qtz = 0-5 vol.% (saturated rocks)

  • Qtz = 5-20% (moderately oversaturated rocks)

  • Qtz = 20-60% (oversaturated rocks)

  • Qtz = 0%, either normative olivine or feldspathoid = 0-5% (undersaturated)

The undersaturated rocks are basic-ultrabasic and feldspathoid-bearing alkaline rocks; the saturated are named intermediate rocks and the oversaturated acid rocks following Shand (1947)SHAND SJ. 1947. Eruptive Rocks. Third edition, 1947. Geol Mag 86(1): 1-360. DOI: and Yoder & Tilley (1962)YODER HS & TILLEY CE. 1962. Origin of Basalt Magmas: An Experimental Study of Natural and Synthetic Rock Systems. J Petrol 3: 342-532. /3.3.342.. We reinforce that the degree of silica saturation is not measured by the SiO2 content of the rock but by the presence or absence of modal or normative quartz, feldspathoid, or olivine.

b) The feldspar ratio (proportion between plagioclase and alkali feldspar); five groups are recognized:

  • Plagioclase-rich rocks (alkali feldspar is <10 vol.%): andesite, quartz andesite, dacite.

  • Alkali feldspar-rich rocks (plagioclase is <10%): alkali feldspar rhyolite, quartz alkali feldspar trachyte and alkali feldspar trachyte.

  • Rocks dominated by plagioclase (plagioclase >2/3 of feldspars): andesite, quartz andesite, dacite, basalt, quartz basalt.

  • Rocks dominated by alkali feldspar (alkali feldspar >2/3 of feldspars): rhyolite, quartz trachyte, and trachyte.

  • Rocks with ± equivalent content (plagioclase and alkali feldspar between 1/3 and 2/3): rhyodacite, quartz latite, latite.

Considering the chemical variations of K2O, CaO, and Na2O (Fig. 6) of 17 rock-types, from less evolved basalt to more evolved quartz trachyte (compositions from Tröger 1935TRÖGER WE. 1935. Spezielle petrographie der Eruptivgesteine. Eine Nomenklatur - Kompendium mit 1. Nachtrag. Eruptivgesteinsnamen Verlag der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, 360 p. ISBN 978-3-510-99099-3.) there are strong variations in the K2O and CaO contents and little variation in Na2O. Rhyolite has 11.75 times more K2O (average = 4.82%) than basalt (average = 0.41%) and 19.75 times less CaO (0.56%) than basalt (11.06%). The difference in the Na2O content of the end members basalt (2.38%) and quartz trachyte (4.18%) is 1.76%. The Na2O content of andesite and rhyolite is similar, around 4%. We observe that Na2O is not a discriminating oxide and therefore is not significant for the classification of volcanic rocks.

Figure 6
Distribution of Na2O, CaO, and K2O of magmatic rocks from less evolved on the left to more evolved on the right. Data from type-localities from Tröger (1935)TRÖGER WE. 1935. Spezielle petrographie der Eruptivgesteine. Eine Nomenklatur - Kompendium mit 1. Nachtrag. Eruptivgesteinsnamen Verlag der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, 360 p. ISBN 978-3-510-99099-3..

CaO and K2O have negative correlation. CaO contents decrease from less evolved to more evolved rocks, but K2O increases. CaO diminishes 15 times (1,500%) from basalt to quartz trachyte whereas K2O increases more than 13 times (1,300%). These two elements are adequate for a classification scheme. The CaO/K2O ratio enhances the differences in the behaviour of the two elements and is the selected ratio for use against the K2O content, forming KCK diagrams.

The first diagram is dedicated to the intermediate volcanic rocks (alkali feldspar trachyte, trachyte, latite, andesite, trachyandesite, basalt), namely rocks with <5% Nqtz. Undersaturated alkaline rocks carrying normative nepheline (0-5%) are not included in the diagram, such as alkali feldspar trachyte, trachyte, latite, and andesite (all feldspathoid bearing). Sixty-five out of 218 analysed samples have <5% Nqtz. These compositions were tested in the Irvine & Baragar (1971)IRVINE TN & BARAGAR WRA. 1971. A guide to the chemical classification of the common volcanic rocks. Can J Earth Sci 8 (2): 523-548.
diagram (Fig. 4) to check for the presence of basaltic rocks. None was detected, in agreement with the absence of basalts in the Uatumã magmatism. The KCK diagram lacks a field for basalt because this rock type has high CaO/K2O ratio and plots above the upper limit for andesite at about 8. The CaO/K2O ratios of world average compositions of basalt are 12.71 (Nockolds 1954NOCKOLDS SR. 1954. Average chemical compositions of some igneous rocks. GSA Bulletin 65(10): 1007-1032.[1007:ACCOSI]2.0.CO;2.) and 22.9 (Le Maitre 1976LE MAITRE RW. 1976. The chemical variability of some common igneous rocks. J Petrol 17(4): 589-598. Representative basalt of Tröger (1935)TRÖGER WE. 1935. Spezielle petrographie der Eruptivgesteine. Eine Nomenklatur - Kompendium mit 1. Nachtrag. Eruptivgesteinsnamen Verlag der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, 360 p. ISBN 978-3-510-99099-3. has CaO/K2O = 27. Basalts are identified and separated from andesites using the Irvine & Baragar (1971)IRVINE TN & BARAGAR WRA. 1971. A guide to the chemical classification of the common volcanic rocks. Can J Earth Sci 8 (2): 523-548.
NCI x NPC diagram (Fig. 4).

The distribution of sixty-five points in the KCK diagram for intermediate rocks follows a cubic parabolic curve from the richest CaO andesite to the alkali feldspar trachyte with higher K2O content. Five groups are separated according to their contents of K2O and CaO/K2O = andesite, trachyandesite, latite, trachyte, and alkali feldspar trachyte.

Fig. 7 shows the presence of more latite and trachyte than considered before using classifications based on thin sections (SUDAM-GEOMINERAÇÃO 1972SUDAM-GEOMINERAÇÃO - SUPERINTENDÊNCIA DE DESENVOLVIMENTO DA AMAZÔNIA. 1972. Pesquisa mineral no Iriri-Curuá: relatório preliminar. GeoMineração Ltda, Belém, A.P.C., Divisão de Documentação, 62 p., SUDAM-GEOMITEC 1972SUDAM-GEOMITEC - SUPERINTENDÊNCIA DE DESENVOLVIMENTO DA AMAZÔNIA. 1972. Pesquisa mineral no Tapajós-Jamanxim: relatório preliminar. GEOMITEC, Geologia e Mineração Trabalhos Técnicos Ltda., 172 p., Montalvão et al. 1975MONTALVÃO RMG, MUNIZ MB, ISSLER RS, DALL’ AGNOL R, LIMA MIC, FERNANDES PECA & SILVA GG. 1975. Geologia da Folha NA.20 Boa Vista e parte das folhas NA.21 Tumucumaque e NB.20-Roraima. In: Brasil, Departamento Nacional da Produção Mineral; Projeto RADAM., Oliveira et al. 1975OLIVEIRA AS, FERNANDES CAC, ISSLER RS, ABREU AS, MONTALVÃO RGM & TEIXEIRA W. 1975. Geologia. In: BRASIL. Departamento Nacional da Produção Mineral. Projeto RADAMBRASIL. Folha NA.21 Tumucumaque e parte da Folha NB.21. Rio de Janeiro, 370 p. (Levantamento de Recursos Naturais, 9), p. 17-97., Araújo et al. 1976ARAÚJO HJT, RODARTE JBM, DEL’ARCO JO, SANTOS DB, BARROS AM, TASSINARI CCG, LIMA MIC, ABREU AS & FERNANDES CAC. 1976. Geologia. In: BRASIL. Departamento Nacional da Produção Mineral. Projeto RADAMBRASIL. Folha SB.20 Purus. Rio de Janeiro. (Levantamento de Recursos Naturais, 17)., SUDAM-GEOMITEC 1976SUDAM-GEOMITEC - SUPERINTENDÊNCIA PARA O DESENVOLVIMENTO DA AMAZÔNIA. 1976. Geologia básica, prospecção geoquímica e por concentrados de bateia na região dos rios Tapajós e Maués. GEOMITEC, Geologia e Mineração Trabalhos Técnicos Ltda. Superintendência para o Desenvolvimento da Amazônia, Belém 2: 281 p. (in Portuguese)., Pessoa et al. 1977PESSOA MR, SANTIAGO AF, ANDRADE AF, NACIMENTO JO, SANTOS JOS, OLIVEIRA JR, LOPES RC & PRAZERES WV. 1977. Projeto Jamanxim. Relatório Final. Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Minerais, Departamento Nacional da Produção Mineral, Manaus, Unpublished Report, vols. 1-3. (in Portuguese)., Veiga Jr et al. 1979VEIGA JR JP, NUNES ACB, FERNANDES AS, AMARAL JE, PESSOA MR & CRUZ SA. 1979. Projeto Sulfetos Uatuma. Relatório Final, DNPM/CPRM, Manaus, 7 vol., Melo et al. 1978MELO AFF, SANTOS AJ, CUNHA MTP, CAMPOS MJF & D’ANTONA RJG. 1978. Projeto Molibdênio em Roraima: Relatório Final. Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Minerais, Departamento Nacional da Produção Mineral, Manaus, Unpublished Report, vols. 1-4 (in Portuguese)., Bizzinella et al. 1980BIZZINELLA GA, SANTIAGO AF, SANTOS A, BORGES FR, SOUZA FJC, GODOY HK, YAMAGUTI HS, OLIVEIRA JR & OLIVEIRA LR. 1980. Projeto Tapajós-Sucunduri, Relatório Final, partes I e II. Departamento Nacional da Produção Mineral, Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Minerais, Manaus, Brasil, vols. Ia and Ib (in Portuguese).).

About 40% of Uatumã rocks previously interpreted as andesite, are latite and also trachyandesite. Some andesites and high-K andesites (Gill 1981GILL JB. 1981. Orogenic andesites and plate tectonics. Springer Verlag Berlin-New York, 392 p. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-68012-0.) have excess K2O (>3.5 wt.%) and actually are latites. Other “andesites” have low CaO (low plagioclase) and are therefore trachyandesites.

After plotting the data of Uatumã volcanic rocks (Fig. 7), the diagram was tested using 13 known rock compositions from the literature. The data lack alkali feldspar trachytes because the sources were published prior to mid-1970. The name alkali feldspar trachyte was introduced in 1978 by Streckeisen. The alkali feldspar trachytes of Fig. 7 were originally classified as “trachytes”. This field is presently subdivided into two, which are separated by the content of K2O at around 6 wt.%. All trachytes have small amounts of CaO (<1 wt.%) and K2O from 4.2% to 8%. Trachytes with higher K2O (from 6% to 8%) and CaO <0.5% are from the alkali feldspar trachyte family.

The second proposed diagram is dedicated to acid volcanic rocks (alkali feldspar rhyolite, quartz alkali feldspar rhyolite, rhyolite, quartz trachyte, rhyodacite, quartz latite, dacite, quartz andesite, quartz basalt), that is rocks with > 5% Nqtz. Distribution of points (n = 153) also follows a cubic parabola (Fig. 8) similar to Fig. 7, from less evolved andesite (CaO/K2O = 2.5) to more evolved alkali feldspar trachyte with 8% K2O. Quartz basalt and quartz andesite (oversaturated rocks) are separated from basalt and andesite (saturated rocks) using the 5% modal and normative quartz limit. The scarcity of consistent data about quartz basalt in the literature restrains the definition of a field for this type of volcanic rock. Based on the CaO/K2O ratios of basalts, we consider that quartz basalts have CaO/K2O ratio well above 2.5 which is the highest value for dacites plotted in Fig. 8. The average of 20 Neogene quartz basalts from the Carpathians (Jurje et al. 2014JURJE M, IONESCU C, HOECK V & KOVACS M. 2014. Geochemistry of Neogene quartz andesites from the Oaş and Gutâi Mountains, Eastern Carpathians (Romania): a complex magma genesis. Mineral Petrol 108(1): 13-32. DOI: 10.1007/s00710-013-0282-6.) has CaO/K2O ratio of 3.95 (at 1.75 wt.% K2O), plotting above the upper limit of Fig. 8. Quartz andesites also have high CaO/K2O ratio, in the same range as andesite (2.1 to 7.2, see Fig. 7). One example of quartz andesite (average of five samples) from the eastern Carpathians, Romenia (Jurje et al. 2014JURJE M, IONESCU C, HOECK V & KOVACS M. 2014. Geochemistry of Neogene quartz andesites from the Oaş and Gutâi Mountains, Eastern Carpathians (Romania): a complex magma genesis. Mineral Petrol 108(1): 13-32. DOI: 10.1007/s00710-013-0282-6.) has CaO/K2O ratio of 2.40 (filled quadrangle of Fig. 8).

Figure 8
KCK diagram for acid (oversaturated) rocks with distribution of Uatumã volcanic rocks (legend in lower left). Twelve known rock compositions and world averages used to test the diagram are listed in the upper part of the graph.

The limits between dacite (quartz andesite) – rhyodacite (quartz latite) – rhyolite (quartz trachyte) - alkali feldspar rhyolite (quartz alkali feldspar trachyte), were established based on Uatumã rock types. These limits were tested using 12 known rock compositions, type locality compositions, and world average compositions.


Common volcanic rocks are broadly grouped into four major categories according to the degree of silica saturation understood as the availability of silica (generally quartz), felspathoid, or olivine: acid, intermediate, basic, and ultrabasic rocks (Shand 1947SHAND SJ. 1947. Eruptive Rocks. Third edition, 1947. Geol Mag 86(1): 1-360. DOI:, Yoder & Tilley 1962YODER HS & TILLEY CE. 1962. Origin of Basalt Magmas: An Experimental Study of Natural and Synthetic Rock Systems. J Petrol 3: 342-532. /3.3.342.). The limits between categories are associated to the mineralogical composition because some minerals are more and others less saturated in SiO2. Therefore, a rock with higher SiO2 (weight %) may be less saturated than a rock with lower SiO2 in chemical composition; and vice versa.

Three major elements have wide variation among volcanic rocks, from the less evolved (basalt) to the more evolved (rhyolite, trachyte): silica, calcium and potassium. Sodium or Na2O has little variation among common volcanic rocks and is not a discriminating element. Besides that, sodium is present in the structure of both plagioclase and alkali feldspar, causing difficulty in the determination of the proportion of Na in the two minerals. Several diagrams from the literature lack proper allocation of sodium among feldspars and, consequently, have strong potential for misclassification of the rocks.

Presence of Ca or CaO is mandatory for any diagram using major elements. Without this oxide/element the proportion of alkali feldspar and plagioclase cannot be established, and the result will be an incorrect classification. The best example of a diagram which is ineffective because of lack of CaO is the TAS diagram.

Some classification diagrams are based in immobile elements such as zirconium, titanium, and yttrium (Winchester & Floyd 1977WINCHESTER JA & FLOYD PA. 1977. Geochemical discrimination of different magma series and their differentiation products using immobile elements. Chem Geol 20: 325-343. DOI: 10.1016/0009-2541(77)90057-2., Pearce 1996PEARCE JA. 1996. A User’s Guide to Basalt Discrimination Diagrams, In: Wyman DA (Ed). Trace Element Geochemistry of Volcanic Rocks: Applications for Massive Sulphide Exploration: Geological Association of Canada, Shon Course Notes 12: 79-113.) or thorium and hafnium (Wood et al. 1980WOOD DA. 1980. The application of a Th-Hf-Ti diagram to problems of tectonomagmatic classification and to establishing the nature of crustal contamination of basaltic lavas of the British Tertiary Volcanic Province. Earth Planet Sci Lett 50: 11-30. Zircon and zirconium are the notorious and most commonly inherited mineral and element in magmatic systems.

Inherited zircon was formed in different magmatic and tectonic settings in relation to the zircon of the target rock (Pidgeon et al. 1996PIDGEON RT, BOSCH D & BRUGUIER O. 1996. Inherited zircon and titanite U-Pb systems in an Archaean syenite from southwestern Australia: implications for U-Pb stability of titanite. Earth Planet Sci Lett 141(1-4): 187-198. Other HFS (high field strength) elements may be also inherited such as Ti (titanite; Pidgeon et al. 1996PIDGEON RT, BOSCH D & BRUGUIER O. 1996. Inherited zircon and titanite U-Pb systems in an Archaean syenite from southwestern Australia: implications for U-Pb stability of titanite. Earth Planet Sci Lett 141(1-4): 187-198., Th (monazite, Imayama & Suzuki 2013IMAYAMA T & SUZUKI K. 2013. Carboniferous inherited grain and age zoning of monazite and xenotime from leucogranites in far-eastern Nepal: Constraints from electron probe microanalysis. Am Mineral 98(8-9): 1393-1406. DOI: 10.2138/am.2013.4267.), Y (xenotime, Miller et al. 1992MILLER CF, HANCHAR JM, WOODEN JL, BENNETT VC, HARRISON TM, WARK DA & FOSTER DA. 1992. Source region of a granite batholith: evidence from lower crustal xenoliths and inherited accessory minerals. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Earth Sciences 83(1-2; Second Hutton Symposium: The Origin of Granites and Related Rocks), 49-62. DOI: https://
), and Hf (follows inheritance of zircon). These elements cannot be used or used with great caution in classificatory diagrams because they derive from zircon, xenotime, monazite and titanite, minerals which frequently or occasionally are inherited. Most volcanic rocks have both magmatic zircon and inherited zircon producing an excess of zirconium, which leads to the misclassification of the rock. The common effect of the excess Zr (magmatic plus inherited) is moving the points plotted on SiO2 versus log10 Zr/TiO2 diagram (Winchester & Floyd 1977WINCHESTER JA & FLOYD PA. 1977. Geochemical discrimination of different magma series and their differentiation products using immobile elements. Chem Geol 20: 325-343. DOI: 10.1016/0009-2541(77)90057-2.) to the right causing the artificial trachytization of rhyodacite, dacite, and andesite (Fig. 9).

Figure 9
Silica versus log10 Zr/TiO2 diagram of Winchester & Floyd (1977)WINCHESTER JA & FLOYD PA. 1977. Geochemical discrimination of different magma series and their differentiation products using immobile elements. Chem Geol 20: 325-343. DOI: 10.1016/0009-2541(77)90057-2.. Common presence of inherited zircon and zirconium adds excess Zr to the diagram, causing “trachytization” of rhyodacite, dacite, and andesite.

Some examples of misclassifications using TAS

Several compositions and names based on TAS diagram are broadly incorrect because they include a number of misclassifications. For example, some published andesites are in fact latite (e.g. Eocene “andesites” of Nevada, samples 49 and 154 of Ryskamp et al. 2008RYSKAMP EB, ABBOTT JT, CHRISTIANSEN EH, KEITH JD, VERVOORT JD & TINGEY DG. 2008. Age and petrogenesis of volcanic and intrusive rocks in the Sulphur Spring Range, central Nevada: Comparisons with ore-associated Eocene magma systems in the Great Basin. Geosphere 4(3): 96-519. doi: 10.1130/GES00113.1.). Those samples have high K2O (3.86% and 4.23%) corresponding to excess K-feldspar to be andesite. The contents are even higher than the maximum (3.4% K2O for andesites with 60% SiO2) considered for high-K andesites (Gill 1981GILL JB. 1981. Orogenic andesites and plate tectonics. Springer Verlag Berlin-New York, 392 p. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-68012-0.). Other number of “andesites” in fact are quartz andesites because they are oversaturated rocks with normative quartz greater than 5%. Examples are from the Cainozoic Kermadec Island, New Zeland (Kemner et al. 2015KEMNER F, HAASE KM, BEIER C, KRUM S & BRANDL PA. 2015. Formation of andesite melts and Ca-rich plagioclase in the submarine Monowai volcanic system, Kermadec arc. American Geophysical Union 16(12): 4130-4152. 22GTV-5 (15% Nqtz), 22GTV-4 (11% Nqtz), and 29GTV-1 (16% Nqtz).Large numbers of “rhyolites” have more than 2.6% CaO (e.g. Peate et al. 1992PEATE DW, HAWSKWORTH CJ & MANTOVANI MSM. 1992. Chemical stratigraphy of the Paraná lavas (South America): classification of magma types and their spatial distribution. Bull Volcanol 55: 119-139.), which results in excess normative plagioclase (from 23% to 34%) to be true rhyolites. All rhyolites of Peate et al. 1999PEATE DW, HAWKESWORT CJ, MANTOVANI MSM, ROGERS NW & TURNER SP. 1999. Petrogenesis and stratigraphy of the high-Ti/Y Urubici magma type in the Paraná flood basalt province and implications for the nature of Dupal-type mantle in the South Atlantic region. J Petrol 40: 451-473. (table 3, p. 124), from the Lower Cretaceous [Valanginian] Paraná LIP, Brazil, 134-135 Ma according to Pinto et al. (2011)PINTO VM, HARTMANN LA, SANTOS JOS, MCNAUGHTON NJ & WILDNER W. 2011. Zircon U-Pb geochronology from the Paraná bimodal volcanic province supports a brief eruptive cycle at ~135 Ma. Chem Geol 281: 93-102., are quartz latite, rhyodacite and dacite. Several dacites (adakites) with Na-plagioclase (oligoclase) are confused with trachytes (e.g. Guo et al. 2007GUO Z, WILSON M & LIU J. 2007. Post-collisional adakites in south Tibet: Products of partial melting of subduction-modified lower crust. Lithos 96: 205-224.; Miocene, Tibetan Plateau). Twelve trachyandesites of northern Iran (Davidson et al. 2004DAVIDSON J, HASSANZADEH J, BERZINS R, STOCKLI DF, BASHUKOOH B, TURRIN B & PANDAMOUZ A. 2004. The geology of Damavand volcano, Alborz Mountains, northern Iran. GSA Bulletin 116 (1-2): 16-29. DOI 10.1130/B25344.1.) have high K2O content (average = 4.39%) representing excess sanidine (A = 35% on QAP diagram). They are all latite, not trachyandesite. Literature has many of these and other misclassifications.


The studied Uatumã volcanic rocks are from three regions and have a dominance (about 70%) of acid over intermediate (30%) rocks. This contrasts with the pre-Uatumã volcanic rocks of Carajás Province (Sobreiro Formation) which are dominated by intermediate rocks (andesite, basaltic andesite, trachyandesite; Ferreira & Lamarão 2013FERREIRA ATR & LAMARÃO CN. 2013. Geologia, petrografia e geoquímica das rochas vulcânicas Uatumã na área sul de São Félix do Xingu (PA), Província Carajás. Braz J Geol 43(1): 152-167. DOI: 10.5327/Z2317-48892013000100013.). On the other hand, intermediate rocks are scarce among the post-Uatumã volcanics (1780-1760 Ma) of Colíder Group of South Amazon Craton, which is mainly composed by rhyolite and ignimbrite (Santos et al. 2019SANTOS FS, PIEROSAN R, BARROS MAS, GERALDES MC & LIMA MF. 2019. Petrology of the Colíder Group volcanic successions in the northernmost Mato Grosso, Brazil: A contribution to the knowledge of the felsic volcanism of the Alta Floresta Gold Province. J S Am Earth Sci 89: 10-29.

The presented KCK diagrams are more effective to classify common volcanic rocks than several diagrams from the literature. The application of these two diagrams is to be tested using large datasets and volcanic rocks from different ages and tectonic environments.

The use of a single classificatory diagram to name both saturated (six families) and oversaturated (ten families) volcanic rocks has limitations. Geological literature lacks any diagram capable of classify all rocks correctly. The first step to chemically classify volcanic rocks is to apply the values of normative quartz (Nqtz) to determine the degree of silica saturation and separate the four major groups of rocks: undersaturated, saturated, moderately oversaturated, and oversaturated. Additionally, the return is essential to the classical definition of degree of saturation thus abandoning the proposition (sponsored by the IUGS) which defines the groups of acid, intermediate, basic, and ultrabasic rocks accordingly to their fixed contents of SiO2 at 63%, 52% and 45%.

Several thousand rocks from worldwide published articles from 1980 to present day, all classified using the TAS diagram, need to be checked and part of them reclassified using for example the two proposed KCK diagrams. This is necessary considering that the TAS diagram is not able to identify or classify ten among 16 families of volcanic rocks. The artificial extinction of several volcanic rock-types can thus be avoided, including quartz trachyandesite, latite, quartz latite, quartz trachyte, quartz andesite, quartz basalt, alkali feldspar rhyolite, alkali feldspar trachyte, and rhyodacite, which artificially disappeared to a large extent from the literature.

List of abbreviations

CD-ROM, compact disc read-only memory.

CIPW, Cross, Iddings, Pirsson, and Washington.

CPRM, Geological Survey of Brazil.

DNPM, Departamento Nacional de Produção Mineral.

DOI, Digital Object Identifier.

GEOMITEC, Geologia e Mineração, Trabalhos Técnicos Ltda.

GSA, Geological Society of America.

IMA, International Mineralogical Association.

ISBN, International Standard Book Number.

ISSN, International Standard Serial Number.

IUGS, International Union of Geological Sciences.

KCK, K2O versus CaO/K2O ratio.

LAMIN, Mineralogical Laboratory of CPRM.

LOSIMAG, Low Si and Mg (mantle model).

Mqtz, modal quartz.

MTS, MagnetoTelluric Sounding.

NCI, Normative Colour Index.

NPC, Normative Plagioclase Composition.

Nqtz, normative quartz.

ORCID, Open Researcher and Contributor ID.

PRIMA, Primitive Mantle.

PYROLITE, PYROxenes and OLivine (Upper mantle model).

QAP, quartz, alkali feldspar, plagioclase.

RADAM, Radar na Amazônia.

SUDAM, Superintendência para o Desenvolvimento da Amazônia.

TAS, total alkali-silica.

UEA, Universidade do Estado do Amazonas.

UFRGS, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul.


The Geological Survey of Brazil kindly allowed the use of published and unpublished analytical data from Uatumã volcanic rocks. We are grateful to geologists from the Geological Survey of Brazil regarding extended and deep discussions on the theme, particularly Hilton T. Costi, Josafá R. Oliveira, Manoel R. Pessoa†, Wilson Wildner, and Sandoval S. Pinheiro†.


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